dijous, 28 d’octubre del 2010

It shows quiet, calm, relaxed. She is the sister of my father. But realement is well for what happens. Everything seems perfect when this can be seen, but really it is not going well. The relationship is not the best time, she has a disease and need calm, companionship and love. Is a person really lively, funny, but when this is such a person seems strictly different. You need to hear his family and close friends. Always says the window to see the landscape of sea and ships and the blue curtains that give a different hue in the room make it feel different.

dissabte, 18 de setembre del 2010

"How do you learn english better"

1) Oral practice to improve + native speaker.
2) Working in group.
3) Listenings + tasks.
4) Doing the exercices in class.
5) Checking homewoork.

1) Long grammar lessons.
2) Confusing material.
3) Talking to my partner.
4) Sitting at the back.
5) Read a lot.

dijous, 22 d’abril del 2010


In this photo we can see the invention that I chose. It is a scissors for cut pieces of pizza. But it isn’t a normally scissors because how we can see there is a spatula under because the piece of pizza won’t fall on the floor. I thinck that it’s a very engines and practic invention.

dilluns, 15 de febrer del 2010


I selected this advert, because the image of child transmitted pleasant feelings for example: tranquility, tenderness and something that every child likes to take the hand of an adult.

diumenge, 7 de febrer del 2010

Actividad de la Publicidad " Creacion de un anuncio"

Blancate les presenta un nuevo producto dentrífico que les va a dejar los dientes totalmente blancos, solo hace falta utilizar el producto durante un par de semanas y empezaran a ver los resultados.